Why I broke up with Love Coaching 💔

Soo ...

If you’ve been following me for a while, chances are you were drawn to my work as a Love Attraction Coach. Bless you for hanging on for the ride as I’ve undergone my own transformation and growth over the years.  

💖I was initially drawn to Love Attraction Coaching after experiencing my own journey of attracting “outrageous, lasting love” in my life. The way Nicholas & I came together was nothing short of magical, the number of synchronicities and alignments from the Universe was jaw dropping.  

I was deeply moved to spread this inspiration and possibility to the world - True Love DOES exist! 🎉 

That, in conjunction with my cross country move and departure from local clients & students, I followed the pull to study coaching, and I became a Love Coach.  

I launched Bex Burton Coaching and, rather than proceeding with curiosity & self-compassion as a beginner, I promptly set outrageous expectations of myself & my coaching business, that almost NO beginner could achieve.  

You’ve never set any crazy outrageous expectations of yourself, have you??  😂 

Striving to meet these self-imposed expectations, I followed every suggestion given to me and enrolled in every program.  I studied Business and Online Marketing. I hired coaches. I trained and ran half marathons. I enrolled in aggressive & immersive transformational programs & developed my Leadership. I volunteered time & money in service to others’ transformations. 

At the same time, I was successfully working with dozens of clients who were attracting EXACTLY what they came to me longing for. 👩‍❤️‍👨 

Looking back, I can see a powerful path of learning,  growth and measurable success, but I was so caught up in not hitting my goals, I could never see it as being “ENOUGH!”  

Click HERE if you are done feeling like your efforts are not ENOUGH!

I was so committed to creating wild success for myself and my clients, but I was doing everything everyone else was telling me I SHOULD be doing. 

And by dedicating myself to my SHOULDS, I slowly stripped away that what makes me MAGICAL: my JOY. ✨

When we lose our Joy, we don’t simply get sad. 

We lose ourselves. 

And I lost myself. 

👉No longer was I dancing, hooping, gathering with friends, or doing things that made my heart sing.  

👉My creativity went down the toilet.

👉That magical relationship I attracted? It was no longer a fairy-tale, and was suffering conflict after conflict. 

Love Attraction no longer felt in alignment. 💔

It was just so clear to me that my work was not about getting “The Guy”, or finding “THE ONE”. Because I HAD my match, and I was still suffering. 

I was suffering, because I had given my power away over and over again, not only in my business but also my relationship.

In the process, I stripped myself of what made me ME. I burned out. I succumbed to depression. I could not go one step further the way I had been doing things before. 

🤷‍♀️Maybe you’ve been in a situation like this? Given your power away so much you lost yourself?  

Sister, THIS is the deeper conversation of why you aren’t in partnership. Or have the success you seek. Or the body you love.  

These “destinations” are just the sprinkles and cherry on top of YOU living in alignment with your deepest JOY. 

When I finally made the choice to direct my energy into MYSELF, honing my focus & action around one question, “What would I LOVE?”, my JOY increased, my creativity returned, there’s healing in my relationship, and I’m more excited about how I serve my people than ever before.   

Which is why I’m sharing all of this with you today. 

I am thrilled to integrate my 30-year expertise in dance, the body’s systems, and Pilates, with my skills of Coaching, emotional intelligence, and manifestation, into one unique offering to support YOU in creating simplicity, JOY, and feeling good from the inside out, amidst your hectic life. 

I call this the Core Joy Method. 

Core Joy FB Group Covers (1).png

The Core Joy Method gets you grounded in your body, balanced in your emotions, connected in your relationships, and really able to enjoy your life, rather than constantly thinking about what’s next or what’s missing.  

If this stirs a longing inside of you, it's time for YOU to cultivate your JOY.  

Click Here to apply for a Core Joy Plan from me, and I’ll get you set up with a step-by-step system unique to YOUR needs that you can easily implement into your busy life and start to feel powerful again, from the inside out.  

I can’t wait to connect with you! 

Xo bex 

PS: Many of the women I speak with stay in a state of suffering, overwhelm, and self-neglect for YEARS. Honor yourself and cultivate the habits NOW that will keep you sane, healthy, and connected with those around you!